Harriet Connor

Author of Big Picture Parents

Tag: Love

Talking with kids about Valentine’s Day

My husband and I don’t really ‘do’ Valentine’s Day. The day has always felt too commercialised for our liking. I think that probably means I’ve never received or given anything for Valentine’s Day in my whole life!

It’s easy enough for someone of my age and stage to disregard the Valentine’s Day messaging around me. But what about our teens and pre-teens—is Valentine’s Day a ‘thing’ for them? Here are some ways that we can open up meaningful conversations with our kids on the topic of romance. First, some history.

How did Valentine’s Day start?

Saint Valentine’s Day originated as a Roman Catholic (and later Anglican) feast day honouring a martyred saint of that name. According to the earliest tradition, Saint Valentine was simply a priest who cared for fellow Christians who were being persecuted by the Roman Emperor Claudius II in the third century and was eventually executed himself.

One later legend claims that, on the eve of his execution, Saint Valentine wrote a note to his jailer’s daughter, whom he had befriended and healed of blindness, and signed it ‘Your Valentine’. Another common legend is that Saint Valentine also defied the orders of Emperor Claudius II, who had forbidden young men from marrying (as it would prove a distraction from fighting Rome’s battles). According to this legend, Saint Valentine secretly performed Christian weddings for young couples.

These later legends gained popularity around the time of Geoffrey Chaucer (14th century), whose poem The Parlement of Foules associated Saint Valentine’s Day with romantic love. From then on, February 14 became a day when men and women would send messages to their lovers.

Valentine’s Day today

Valentine’s Day has become a commercialised celebration when couples are expected to demonstrate their love by exchanging cards, gifts, chocolates, flowers and spending time together. In a co-ed school environment, Valentine’s Day is often seen as an opportunity for people (especially boys) to send a message, card or token of affection to someone they like and ask them to be their ‘valentine’.

Whether Valentine’s Day is a ‘thing’ or not, our tweens and teens are growing up in a world where romance is a constant topic of conversation and a potential source of angst or disappointment. Here are some things we can ask and talk about with them.

Talking points

Are people at school talking about Valentines Day?

We can begin by trying to understand what expectations our teens and their friends have for this day of the year. When I asked my kids, they said it wasn’t really a big deal at their school. But in other schools it may be.

Are there many couples forming in your year?

This is a good general question for broaching the topic of teen romance without asking our kids for too many details. It helps us to understand whether there is a lot of pressure to ‘pair off’ in their school environment.

With our older sons, I try to open up conversations about romance, giving them the opportunity to share if they want to. But I don’t push for details if they seem to want to keep things private.

Do you wish you had a ‘valentine’?

Some teens may feel disappointed if they haven’t attracted any romantic attention from a special someone. It’s good to acknowledge our child’s feelings, even if the dramas of teen romance seem petty to us. We can share our own memories of what it was like to feel overlooked and left out, or to have our romantic feelings go unrequited.

In a future article we will consider how to say ‘no’ when you don’t want to go out with someone.

What do you think being ‘boyfriend and girlfriend’ really means?

This is a helpful way to understand what our kids really mean when they talk about people ‘going out’. Does it simply mean sitting together at school and calling or texting each other after school? Is it normal for kids to hold hands and kiss in the playground at their school? (At our kids’ school ‘PDAs’ are not allowed!) Does it mean going out and doing things together on the weekend? Is this usually done alone or in a group? Are our kids in a context where it’s normal for couples to spend time alone together at each other’s houses?

We may then be able to offer our perspective on healthy expressions of teenage romance.

A crush is just feelings

As we talk with our older children, we can explain that having romantic or sexual feelings for another person is a natural part of growing up. Their adolescent brains and bodies are preparing to seek a marriage partner. We can ask them what it’s like to experience these feelings—what happens in their body and mind when that special person is nearby? (For more on this, see Patricia Weerakoon’s helpful book for teenagers, Teen Sex by the Book.)

What sort of person …

To read the rest of this article head over to Growing Faith, a Christian online magazine for parents. Find out more about Growing Faith and subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter here.

Parenting in the Spirit

As a mother, I’ve found it quite difficult to ride the waves of the past couple of years. We’ve all had to adapt to the constant change and anxiety brought about by a global pandemic. And now that life is largely back to normal, we have to cope with the ‘normal’ (read: insane!) levels of busyness that we seem to have lived with pre-pandemic.

Over the past two years, our family has also had to adjust to the arrival of a fourth child, a change of schools and two job changes for my husband. It feels like we’re still slightly off balance and out of control most of the time; things are always falling off the proverbial cart.

Faced with the stress and anxiety that seems to be my new normal, I’ve been learning the power of deep breathing. When I feel overwhelmed, I’m learning to stop and take a few slow breaths in and out again to help my body and mind relax and let go of the tension. It’s been surprisingly effective.

As a Christian, I’m also using these moments, these deep breaths, to take hold of the secret weapon that every Christian parent has at their disposal—the Holy Spirit. As I breathe in, I’m reminding myself that God’s Spirit—God’s breath—gives the life, power, wisdom, freedom and love that we need for every moment of every day.

Will you join me in praying for this to be the year of parenting in the Spirit?

Lord, the giver of life,

In the beginning, you breathed into a handful of earth and human beings came to life (Genesis 2:7). In the valley of Ezekiel’s vision, you breathed into dry, lifeless bones and they took on flesh, becoming a mighty army (Ezekiel 37). In the darkness of the tomb, by the power of your Spirit, you raised Jesus from the dead to a new, indestructible life.

May you, the One who gives life to the dead, breathe life into our mortal bodies because of your Spirit who lives in us (Romans 8:11).

Lord, the giver of strength,

I am weak and weary, frail and finite. But I know that your mighty power—the same power that raised Jesus from the dead—is living in us (Ephesians 1:19–20).

I look to you to renew my strength. Help me soar on wings like an eagle; help me run and not grow weary, help me walk and not be faint (Isaiah 40:31). Lord, help me to trust that ‘I can do all things through him who gives me strength’ (Philippians 4:13).

Lord, the giver of wisdom,

Every day, I face many complex decisions. Too often, I don’t know what to do or how to respond to the people and situations around me. Please fill me with the Spirit of wisdom and revelation that I may know you better and know how best to follow you (Ephesians 1:17). May your Spirit teach me and guide me into all truth (John 16:13).

Lord, the giver of freedom

Too often our family life is based on ‘law’—on rules and expectations. Too often, my relationships are driven by duty, by what ‘should’ be done, which means that my family life often falls short of my ideals.

But through Jesus, the law of the Spirit of life has set us free from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2). Jesus kept the law for me so that I don’t have to.

Please cleanse me from my sin. Please give me a new heart and put a new spirit in me: take away my heart of stone and give me a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 36:26–27). Please help me to live not by the letter of law but by the Spirit of freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17).

Please fill my children with your Spirit too. May they obey from a heart that’s been set free, not from a heart that’s afraid of breaking the law.

Lord, the giver of love,

When I live by the law, I become controlling, impatient, critical and anxious. When I expect obedience from our children, but without love, our family starts running on fear.

But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. There is no fear in love (1 John 4:18–19). Thank you for your perfect love that accepts us and forgives us just as we are. Help me to love my family just as you have loved me; help me to forgive them as you forgive.

Love is the fulfilment of the law: if we simply love others by the Spirit, then we will always be doing what is pleasing to you (Romans 13:8–10). Please bring forth in me the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22).

By your Spirit, please transform me more and more into the image and likeness of Jesus, my Saviour (2 Corinthians 3:18).

In his name I pray,

This year, when you feel overwhelmed, maybe you could stop and take some deep breaths. And as you breathe in, take hold of the secret weapon of Christian parenting:

May the Spirit of life make dry bones live;
May the Spirit of power make us strong;
May the Spirit of wisdom show us the way;
May the Spirit of freedom move us to love.

This article originally appeared at Growing Faith.

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