Harriet Connor

Author of Big Picture Parents

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Why Do Modern Parents Feel Overwhelmed?

I had a great conversation with Jonathan from Crosslife about why so many modern parents feel overwhelmed, and what we can do to help ourselves. We talk about how to deal with issues like busyness, “keeping up with the Joneses” and perfectionism.

Listen to our conversation on the Conversations for Life podcast here (scroll down to conversation 11.).

Leave Your Children a Legacy of Grace to Overcome Your Legacy of Sin

At some point, every parent looks with pity at their child and thinks, “Poor thing. They get it from me.” Sometimes we’re thinking of some superficial attribute—our knobbly knees or uncontrollable cowlicks. But other times, we’re thinking of something more serious we’ve passed on, like asthma or anxiety.

We can also feel guilty about the things we pass on not by nature, but by nurture. Modern parents live in fear of emotionally “scarring” their children through negligence or ignorance; we constantly seek out expert advice to help us get our parenting just perfect.

Sometimes the impact of our imperfect parenting is obvious: we see our children reflecting our worst habits right back at us. My heart sinks when I see our children snapping and growling at each other, saying “For goodness sake!” or “How many times do I have to tell you?!” 

Our children’s imperfections are a constant reminder that we have reproduced according to our kind. In a fallen world, human children inherit the genetic flaws and sinful tendencies of their imperfect human parents.

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Strong Families Share Mission

Most of us yearn to be part of a strong and healthy family, but what exactly does that look like? Perhaps we imagine a warmly lit room with family members sitting together. In our modern, urbanized society, the family home has become a place of retreat from the world. During the day, individuals scatter to their separate places of work and study; in the evening, they regroup at home to relax. “Family time,” to most of us, means leisure time.

But this vision of family life is relatively new. Before the industrial revolution, the family was a productive unit: the home was a place of work. What bound families together was not simply being together, sitting face to face, but doing together, working side by side.

What’s more, as Christians, our families have a mission from God—to point others to their Creator by stewarding his creation, passing on his covenant promises, and carrying out his Great Commission. When husbands and wives work together in love and unity, it tells the world something about Jesus and his bride. When parents bring their children up to work and worship alongside them, it tells the world something about the Father and his spiritual children.

While family movie or game nights have value, our families also need a shared mission. Working and worshiping together not only strengthens our family, but also strengthens our witness in the world.

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Review of ‘Big Picture Parents’ in Themelios Journal

“Where many books in this field focus (exclusively) on parenting practicalities, this volume does the more difficult and more needed work of helping parents think theologically about their roles in the home … What sets Connor’s work apart as one of lasting value is her lucid articulation of the metanarrative of Scripture and her insistence that both parents and children will find their true purpose as they come to see themselves within this story.”

Read the full review from Themelios Vol 44 Issue 2 by Dillon T. Thornton here.

Mums, Let’s Be Collaborators, Not Competitors!

As a mum, I know how easy it is to fall into the trap of seeing other mothers as competitors. When we meet another mum, we immediately start making comparisons; we want to know how we “rank” against her in different areas: our parenting, our appearance, our children, our cooking, our job etc.

If we think we’re doing better than that other mum—if we rank higher on the scale—we congratulate ourselves and feel proud. If we think we’re doing worse than her, we feel guilty, inadequate, and envious.

Why do we judge other mums like this? And how can we move from competition to collaboration?

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Strong Churches Depend on Strong Families

“Christian families should be strong at the core but flexible around the edges. Strong relationships within the family—between husband and wife, parents and children, older and younger generations—enable a family to extend their loving community to include outsiders.

Our churches will become stronger not by denouncing love for family as “idolatrous,” but by calling on families to open themselves up to gospel priorities.”

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Breaking the Taboo: How to Give Good Parenting Advice

We’ve all been on the receiving end of unwanted parenting advice—when a casual comment lands like a brick on your already tender conscience. But what happens when you’re on the other side—when you see someone you care about making parenting decisions you think they’ll come to regret?

In a recent article, Jon Thorpe observed that parenting has become a taboo topic in our churches. We are so afraid of offending or hurting other people that we resort to a polite silence.

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Tips for Staying Sane in the Age of Information Overload

Modern parents are pioneers, bravely going where no parents have ever gone before: the land of the internet experts. We live in a swirling sea of information and advice—it’s like there’s a little parenting expert sitting on our shoulder all day, commenting on our every move. We suffer from a bad case of information overload.

In previous generations, parents simply did their best with the limited information they had. There were only one or two parenting books to consult; parents worked the rest out themselves through observation and experience.

Raising children in the age of information is a completely different experience. Of course, it’s great to be able to Google “What rash is that?” or “Which car seat is safe for four-year-olds?” at any time of the day or night. But having access to unlimited information can actually make parenting harder.

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In Honour of My Grandmothers

This is a photo of me with my Grandmothers at the launch of my book “Big Picture Parents” in 2017. I dedicated the book to them for inspiring me both as a mother and as a writer. Sadly, we had to say goodbye to Granny Amy last week (she’s on the right of the photo).

Amy Gladys McGrath was a prodigious writer – of poetry, plays, musicals, historical fiction and non-fiction. (You can now find some of her poems on my website here.) My parents gave me the middle name of Amy, never knowing what that “seed” might produce in me.

I have written two poems in honour of my beloved Grandmothers.

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“For the Love of Discipline: When the Gospel Meets Tantrums and Time-Outs”

Sara Wallace is a home-schooling mother of five boys. So it was with respect and admiration that I sat down to read her book, For the Love of Discipline: When the Gospel Meets Tantrums and Time-Outs.

Wallace writes in an honest, personal style. She says: ‘I didn’t write this book because discipline comes naturally to me, or because my kids are models of obedience. I wrote it because my kid pushed your kid into the pool at swim lessons. I wrote it because last week I had to leave the grocery store early when my kids were wrestling in the aisles. And I wrote it because discipline seems exhausting and discouraging only when we leave out the most important ingredient: the gospel’ (p.7).

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