Harriet Connor

Author of Big Picture Parents

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Good News for Modern Parents

Modern parents like me live in a swirling sea of advice and information. We’re desperately trying to keep up with the 10 Things Every Parent Must Know, the 12 Mistakes New Parents Make, and the 17 Habits of Highly Happy Families. But we end up feeling confused by conflicting advice, guilty about our imperfections, and afraid of damaging our children.

Modern parents are desperate for good news. Sue Palmer, author of Toxic Childhood, writes:

Most parents are frantically doing their best in a world where the goal posts are not just moving—they’ve actually disappeared. . . . In a world of tumultuous change, confidence is thin on the ground. The moral and social certainties [of previous generations] have disintegrated, and there seems to be nothing to put in their place.

About five years ago, those disappearing goal posts were really getting to me. I was craving some unchanging, timeless truths for parenting. So I reached out to the ancient wisdom of my spiritual ancestors. I opened my Bible.

I went looking for little pieces of advice, but the Bible lifted my gaze to see the bigger picture that puts life and parenthood into perspective.

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Review of ‘Big Picture Parents’ by Wendy Lin

“Are you stuck in the mire of situational parenting? Come up for a breather. Make sure you can see the big forest amongst all the little trees you climb each day. Big Picture Parents will help you clarify why you are parenting, where you want to go on that journey, and will help you plan, in God’s wisdom and with his grace, how to get there.”

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Gospel-centred wisdom for life in the real world

Review of “Unhitching from the Crazy Train: Finding Rest in a World You Can’t Control”

Julie Sparkman, an experienced counsellor, has teamed up with author Jennifer Phillips to produce a book that belongs on the shelf of any Christian, right beside the classic works of authors such as Larry Crabb. Sparkman demonstrates a similar gift for applying the truths of the gospel to everyday life in a way that is both profound and practical.

In today’s world, there is no shortage of “experts” trying to sell you their strategies for attaining the perfect life. Unhitching from the Crazy Train is something quite different: it serves as a guidebook for those who are ready to live in the real world, where things rarely go to plan.

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Interview with Pursuits of God Podcast

I recently had a great chat to Emily from the Pursuits of God podcast about how the Bible’s message can encourage us as modern parents.

Have a listen here.


TV Interview on ‘At The Table’

Watch my interview with the ladies from At The Table here:

You can watch the full episode here:


The Wisdom of Jesus for Parents


I first came to Jesus with my parenting dilemmas about four years ago, when we were struggling to manage an emotional two-and-a-half year old and a newborn. I was an anxious, sleep-deprived mess, desperate for guidance. But as I turned the pages of the gospels, my day-to-day questions became overshadowed by the bigger, more searching questions that Jesus was asking me. I wanted to know about my parenting, but Jesus wanted to know about my discipleship.

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Review of ‘Big Picture Parents’ on The Gospel Coalition Australia


“What the world needs now is another book on parenting. Right?

Another book with a list of what to do, and what not to do. Some new system of time-out or positive reinforcement. Some social media strategies for teenagers and sleeping schedules for babies. And, for good measure, a chapter on all the ways you’re failing, and why your children will grow up to be monsters.

Hmm, maybe not.

But what we could use (what people hardly ever think about, let alone write books about) is an accessible explanation of what the whole parenting caper is for.”

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Interview with Hope 103.2


What does the Bible say about discipline?


There’s no quicker way to ignite an emotional debate than to raise the issue of discipline. At one end of the spectrum are those who say, “The problem with today’s children is that they aren’t disciplined enough—our generation was smacked and it taught us to be respectful.” At the other end of the spectrum are those who warn about how discipline can be abused and result in negative consequences for children.

So, what does the Bible say? How can Christians chart a course through the murky waters of the discipline debate?

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How to “Childproof” Your Marriage: Tips from a Relationship Therapist

Andrew G. Marshall has spent almost thirty years helping couples to overcome their marriage difficulties. Most of the misery he encounters can be traced back to one single issue: how to stop your children from ruining your marriage.

He writes:

“Although bringing up the next generation is possibly the most fulfilling and life-affirming thing anyone can do, babies and small children do seem to have a mission to destroy everything they come into contact with, from your clothes and furniture to your nerves, sex life and sometimes even your marriage … in the hurly-burly of bringing up a family … you drop down each other’s list of priorities until one or other of you complains: ‘You always put me last’” (p 5-6).

Marshall has distilled his insights into a book, called I Love You But You Always Put Me Last: How to Childproof Your Marriage (Macmillan, London, 2013). The book is full of diagnostic quizzes, real-life examples, and practical tips to help you build a stronger marriage during the child-raising years. And with one in three Australian marriages currently ending in divorce, we would do well to pay attention.

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