Harriet Connor

Author of Big Picture Parents

Category: Recordings (Page 2 of 2)

Introducing the Timeless Parenting podcast!

Have you ever wondered whether parenting has been getting harder with each new generation? Have you ever sat down with a grandmother, an aunty or an older mum and talked about what parenting was like when their children were young?

Of course, some aspects of parenting are always going to be hard—sleepless nights with a newborn, toddler tantrums, teenage questioning—but there are some challenges facing parents today that are completely new.

One of the biggest challenges for modern parents is the rise of technology—the screens which seem to demand our and our children’s attention 24 hours a day. We’re raising our children in a world that’s very different even from the one we ourselves grew up in! As parents, it can be very hard to guide our children through technology issues that we barely understand ourselves.

Because the internet has given us access to unlimited information, it has also made parenting more confusing. In the past, parents simply did more or less what their parents and grandparents had done before them. Parents weren’t exposed to thousands of different (and often conflicting) ideas about raising children. They didn’t feel the need to choose from a huge catalogue of trending parenting styles. In our age of information, parenting certainly has become more complicated!

Have you ever wished … ?

Have you ever wished that there was a way of sifting through the passing fads—the modern parenting advice that seems to change from year to year—to find some timeless wisdom underneath, something solid enough to build your family life on?

Have you ever wanted to explore God’s word, the Bible, to find some foundational truths and guiding principles for navigating life as a modern parent?

Have you ever longed to sit down with an older Christian mum or dad to hear the wisdom and perspective they’ve gained from years of life and parenting?

I have, many times—and with many tears. And that’s why I am so excited to be announcing the launch of our brand new podcast: Timeless Parenting, a collaboration between Growing Faith and Mothers’ Union Sydney.

Timeless Parenting is where we have real conversations across the generations exploring God’s wisdom for modern families.

The podcast is hosted by me, Harriet Connor, mum of four and Content Editor of Growing Faith and Ann Cunningham, mum to three young adults and parent educator with Mothers’ Union Sydney. We’ll be joined by a range of guests across the generations, who will share their godly wisdom on topical parenting issues. We’ll be releasing a new, 45-minute episode around the middle of every month.

In our first episode, we had a deeply encouraging conversation with Christine Jensen [pictured with us above], who blessed us with her godly perspective gained from decades and decades of raising her own family and encouraging others through her work with Mothers’ Union Sydney.

In our conversation, we considered the question, ‘Has parenting become harder?’. And then we talked about how knowing God, our heavenly Father, and belonging to his family offers just what modern parents so desperately need.

In this first episode, you’ll also find out who we are and why we’ve got together to start the Timeless Parenting podcast!

Listen to it, be encouraged and share it with your friends!

If you want to get in touch with us to offer some feedback or suggest a topic, you can write to us at: timelessparenting@youthworks.net

Timeless Parenting is brought to you by Growing Faith, a ministry of Youthworks Media, and Mothers’ Union Sydney.

Living Faith in Front of Our Children (Talk)

Recently, I gave a 30-minute talk about ‘Living Faith in Front of Our Children’. It was part of a conference run by Mothers Union Sydney. My talk is part of the seminar called ‘Light at the End of the Tunnel’. On the video link, the talk starts at about 1:36:00. On the audio-only link below that, mine is the third talk of the conference. I hope it encourages you today!



‘The Big Picture of Family Discipleship’ Seminar

Earlier this year I recorded a 45-minute seminar on ‘The Big Picture of Family Discipleship’. A number of churches have benefitted from screening this seminar online or onsite (or both). It is designed to complement my ‘Big Picture Parents’ seminar and covers:

• What is discipleship?

• What is the process of discipleship?

• What role do parents play in the discipleship of children?

• What strategies can we use to disciple children?

• What if we think we’ve missed the boat?

Please contact me if you or your church would like to make use of this resource.

Motherhood During the COVID-19 Pandemic

I had an encouraging chat with two of my mum friends about the joys and challenges of motherhood during the COVID-19 pandemic. This was part of the “Everyday Conversations” series from The Gospel Coalition Australia.

Watch the video here.

Motherhood and Work: A Conversation with Alastair Roberts

Recently I had the opportunity to talk with Alastair Roberts, a theologian I have learnt a lot from over the past couple of years.

Listen as we talk about how social changes in the way we live, work and raise our children have impacted mothers and families, and as we suggest some steps we can take to improve things.

Why Do Modern Parents Feel Overwhelmed?

I had a great conversation with Jonathan from Crosslife about why so many modern parents feel overwhelmed, and what we can do to help ourselves. We talk about how to deal with issues like busyness, “keeping up with the Joneses” and perfectionism.

Listen to our conversation on the Conversations for Life podcast here (scroll down to conversation 11.).

Mums, Let’s Be Collaborators, Not Competitors!

As a mum, I know how easy it is to fall into the trap of seeing other mothers as competitors. When we meet another mum, we immediately start making comparisons; we want to know how we “rank” against her in different areas: our parenting, our appearance, our children, our cooking, our job etc.

If we think we’re doing better than that other mum—if we rank higher on the scale—we congratulate ourselves and feel proud. If we think we’re doing worse than her, we feel guilty, inadequate, and envious.

Why do we judge other mums like this? And how can we move from competition to collaboration?

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Tips for Staying Sane in the Age of Information Overload

Modern parents are pioneers, bravely going where no parents have ever gone before: the land of the internet experts. We live in a swirling sea of information and advice—it’s like there’s a little parenting expert sitting on our shoulder all day, commenting on our every move. We suffer from a bad case of information overload.

In previous generations, parents simply did their best with the limited information they had. There were only one or two parenting books to consult; parents worked the rest out themselves through observation and experience.

Raising children in the age of information is a completely different experience. Of course, it’s great to be able to Google “What rash is that?” or “Which car seat is safe for four-year-olds?” at any time of the day or night. But having access to unlimited information can actually make parenting harder.

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TV Interview on ‘At The Table’

Watch my interview with the ladies from At The Table here:

You can watch the full episode here:


Interview with Focus on the Family Australia

Click below to listen:


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