Harriet Connor

Author of Big Picture Parents

Category: Recordings (Page 1 of 2)

Family holidays are worth it!

What are your strongest memories of family holidays growing up? Was it the time when you saw your parents finally relax and have fun with you? Was it that amazing mountaintop view or waterfall swim? Was it the bushwalk that went horribly wrong? Or was it the time you went camping and it rained the whole time?

The truth is that holidays are more important for our families than we realise. And holidays are about much more than just having fun. After all, our families remember and talk about the bad holidays as much as we do the good ones.

A family holiday gets us out of our normal environment and routine and so it provides a great opportunity for us to reconnect—with each other, with God’s creation and with God through his word.

But planning a holiday is hard work, which makes it hard to prioritise.

That’s why Youthworks is excited to announce the launch of a brand new program, Getaways, which will help more families to enjoy time away together in God’s creation. Let Youthworks do the organising for you!

In our latest Timeless Parenting conversation, we chatted with Sam Hudson from Youthworks’ Getaways program about how to holiday well as a family.

More about Getaways

Getaways offers immersive outdoor adventures and experiences that celebrate God’s creation and strengthen family bonds. Each Getaway is designed to help families disconnect to reconnect. Disconnection from the built environment, social commitments and technology allows us to be reconnected to God’s creation, his people and his Son. It’s fair to say that quality time with family is rarely experienced without quantity time, such as a family holiday. We’re confident that these experiences are great value for money and will make memories to last a lifetime.

You can enjoy these programs in three different ways: Parent–Child Adventures, Family Adventures and Family Holidays.

Head to the Getaways website to find out more.


Technology: it’s a discipleship issue

Every modern parent knows how hard it is to get the balance right with technology. That’s why, in our latest Timeless Parenting episode, we sat to talk with Daniel Sih, author of Raising Tech-Healthy Humans and contributor to Parenting in God’s Family.

Our conversation moved beyond simple tips and hacks to the deeper questions of Christian discipleship and Christian values and how these might shape our family’s approach to tech. When it comes to technology, we need to stop and ask ourselves: How is this helping my child to love God and follow Jesus with all their heart, soul, mind and strength?

We also talked with Daniel Sih about the effects of tech overuse on children and their learning, the importance of creating ‘tech-healthy’ rhythms and ‘going slow’ with introducing new tech to kids. You’ll hear Daniel’s insights into which kind of ‘screen time’ is best for kids, what age is best for giving children access to a smartphone or social media, and how we can best set our children up to thrive in a tech-saturated future.

Our conversation finished up with an encouraging reminder that no matter what, parents and children alike can keep coming back to God’s unending grace.

As the summer holidays approach, with the seemingly constant appeal of more screen time, I encourage you to make time to listen to Daniel’s very wise (and gracious) advice for making sure we’re using technology in a way that helps, not hinders, our family’s Christian discipleship.

If you would like to think more about this topic, have a look at Daniel Sih’s chapter of Parenting in God’s Family: ‘The art of tech-healthy parenting’.

Timeless Parenting is brought to you by Growing Faith, a ministry of Youthworks Media, and Mothers Union Sydney.

Interview with HerTheology

I had a really great chat with my friend Cass from HerTheology podcast. We talked about Christian parenting, our new book Parenting in God’s Family and what the Bible says about family life, from Genesis to Revelation.

HerTheology has been interviewing some high quality guests this year on significant topics such as singleness, assisted reproductive technologies, gender confusion and masculinity. I highly recommend having a listen.

Here’s the YouTube video of our conversation, but you can find an audio version on your preferred podcast platform.

What’s the value of family rhythms and traditions?

What does your family’s calendar look like at this time of year? Perhaps Christmas is looming a little too close for comfort, and the weekends are beginning to fill up with end-of-year events.

In a busy world, it sometimes feels as if others are setting the rhythm for our family’s life. Whether it’s our children’s school, their sporting and dance groups or even just the commercial calendar at the shops, we can feel like we’re just running from one event to the next. And when it comes to Christmas, these ‘traditions’ we get caught up in do not necessarily help our family to focus on Jesus, the reason for the (silly) season.

As Christian families, we want to be intentional about how we use our time—our days, weeks, months and years—because the things that we prioritise and regularly repeat become the things that shape and define our family.

The latest episode of our Timeless Parenting podcast is an opportunity for you to slow down and give some thought to your family’s rhythms and traditions. Join us for a warm and encouraging conversation with Mary O’Brien, a great-grandmother and former missionary, and Jocelyn Loane, a mother of five children, aged 8 to 18, about the traditions that have shaped their families in the Christian faith.

We talk about what the Bible says about family traditions, how repeated rhythms can benefit our families and how we can keep a healthy focus on relationships rather than ‘rules’ amidst it all. You’ll be inspired by their ideas and examples of the kind of daily, weekly and yearly rhythms that can draw our Christian families closer to God and closer to each other.

Listen, be encouraged and share it with your friends!

If you would like to think more about this topic, have a look at Wendy Lin’s chapter of Parenting in God’s Family: ‘Setting rhythms that point our family to Jesus’.

Youthworks Media has also just released a digital Advent resource for families:
An Arrival to Celebrate: Fun Advent devotions for busy families unwrapping God’s big Bible plan

An Arrival to Celebrate

Timeless Parenting is brought to you by Growing Faith, a ministry of Youthworks Media, and Mothers Union Sydney.

Schooling: positive starts and positive partnerships

Most Australian children will spend 13 years of their life attending school. That’s a long time! So as parents it’s important for us to think about how to set our kids up for a positive and meaningful experience of schooling.

That was the focus of our most recent conversation on the Timeless Parenting podcast with our guest, preschool educator and mother-of-five, Kat Ashton Israel.

Many parents agonise over the seemingly all-important question: When should I send my child to school? For children born in the first half of the year, parents have the choice of sending them when they are turning five or turning six. We can become preoccupied by getting this decision ‘right’.

This is indeed an important question to consider, and one that we discuss in this episode. But actually, it isn’t the only question we need to think about. In our conversation we also talked about:

How can we begin preparing our child for starting school?

How can we develop a positive partnership with our child’s school and teacher?

When concerns and conflicts with the school arise, how can we navigate them well?

As Christians, how can we make a positive contribution to our school community?

One question we chose not to discuss was which kind of schooling to choose for your child—public, church or Christian school … or homeschooling. If you would like to think more about that topic, check out Emily Cobb’s chapter of Parenting in God’s Family: ‘Weighing up different types of schooling’.

This conversation brings a balanced Christian perspective to the topic of schooling and will give you plenty of ideas for having positive starts and positive partnerships at school!

Listen, be encouraged and share it with your friends!

You can also find our podcast on SpotifyApple Podcasts and other platforms.

Mothers Union Sydney runs an annual seminar about Christian life and parenting. Listen to talks from previous seminars on Soundcloud.

If you want to get in touch with us to offer some feedback or suggest a topic, you can write to us at: timelessparenting@youthworks.net

Timeless Parenting is brought to you by Growing Faith, a ministry of Youthworks Media, and Mothers Union Sydney.

Interview with The Pastor’s Heart

This week, my friend and co-author Kat Ashton Israel and I were interviewed by Dominic Steele from ‘The Pastor’s Heart’ about Parenting in God’s Family.

Don’t panic! Here’s how to navigate gender confusion

We live in a time of great confusion about gender—what it means to be a man or woman, boy or girl. And sadly, an increasing number of children are getting caught up in the confusion. As Christian parents, we can look around and start to become anxious that our own children might suddenly begin to question their gender.

In the latest episode of our Timeless Parenting podcast, we spoke with Christian sexologist Patricia Weerakoon and her son, theologian Kamal Weerakoon to gain an understanding of this fraught topic. They began by laying the foundations, explaining how we got to this point in history, what ‘transgender ideology’ means and why it is growing in influence.

By contrast, Patricia and Kamal helped us to build up a biblical, Christian picture of gender that is grounded in God’s good creation of our male and female bodies, and yet free from restrictive gender stereotypes.

**Patricia and Kamal Weerakoon have also written a chapter on this topic in our new book, Parenting in God’s Family. Order your copy today!**

And what about the gender-confused kids?

In our conversation, Patricia and Kamal shared their wealth of expert knowledge about the complex network of factors that can lead children to experience distress relating to their gender, and the risks of a medicalised approach.

What can Christian parents do?

The right time to start helping your kids build a healthy gender identity is … now! Patricia and Kamal explained how Christian parents can pre-emptively subvert the messages of transgender ideology, even before their children come across them in the classroom, playground or on social media. We can help our children to develop a positive view of the male or female bodies that God has given them, and a positive view of the puberty they will experience. We can also provide our kids with a rich variety of role models from the Bible and real life to demonstrate that there is no ‘right’ way to be a boy or girl, man or woman.

Mum, dad … I think I’m trans

Many parents live in fear of hearing their child utter those words. But in our conversation, Patricia reassured us: ‘Don’t panic!’. She then proceeded to give parents (and other invested adults) some very practical steps they can take to work through this situation with their child in a constructive way, ‘leaning in’ with love.

If you haven’t listened to our podcast before, this episode is not to be missed. Take the time to get informed, encouraged and equipped to help your children develop a healthy gender identity, starting now. We also recommend reading Patricia’s books, such as Talking Sex by the Book, which guides parents in talking to their children about this topic, especially those who may be confused about gender.

Patricia and Kamal Weerakoon have also written a chapter on this topic in our new book, Parenting in God’s Family:


Parenting in God’s Family

‘Parenting in God’s Family’ contains reflections and advice by 16 authors from many different walks and stages of life, all seeking to encourage and equip parents with biblical wisdom and practical tips. It covers topics as diverse as sibling relationships, schooling choices and single parenting, as well as discipline, doubts and digital boundaries. Read more

Timeless Parenting is brought to you by Growing Faith, a ministry of Youthworks Media, and Mothers Union Sydney. If you want to get in touch with us to offer some feedback or suggest a topic, you can write to us at: timelessparenting@youthworks.net

You can also find our podcast on SpotifyApple Podcasts and other platforms.

Tell your kids the good news about sex

When it comes to the topic of sex, there are some negative stereotypes about Christian parents. We are often viewed as the ones who shut down awkward questions about ‘unwholesome’ topics, who don’t understand the explicit things our kids’ friends are talking about, who give the impression that sex is bad or ‘dirty’, who react with anger to our hyper-sexualised society.

But, according to our latest podcast guests, all of this needs to change. Christian sexologist Patricia Weerakoon, together with her son and co-author, Kamal, are passionate about equipping Christian parents to be the ones who share the good news about sex with their children.

The good news is that God created sex—and he thinks it’s great! Sex is part of God’s good design to bring a man and a woman together in love and affection; to bind them together physically, emotionally and spiritually; and to bring forth a new generation of people through their act of love. Because sex is so significant, God has given humanity the gift of man–woman marriage—a safe, loving, exclusive and committed relationship—as the ideal context for it to be enjoyed.

All of this means that Christian parents should be the first ones to talk about sex with our children. We have good news about sex and the loving God who designed it.

Even though we know it’s important, many Christian parents feel embarrassed to talk about sex with our children. We don’t know how to start or what to say. We put off having ‘the talk’ because we think it will be easier when our children are older.

But the sad fact is that if we don’t start teaching our children about sex, someone else will get in first. Our children live in a world where their friends, their school or even internet pornography will provide their sex education, whether we like it or not. And the messages our children hear from these sources may not be so positive or healthy. Christian parents need to start educating their children before they are exposed to the world’s messages about sex. And it’s not a case of having ‘the talk’, but rather having lots of little conversations along the way.

Of course, we pace these conversations according to our children’s age. We will talk with a two-year-old in a very different way to a 12-year-old. We won’t share all the specific details with our very young children, but there are still some important foundations that we need to lay, beginning with simply teaching our children about their ‘special’, private body parts.

In this fourth episode of the Timeless Parenting podcast, Ann Cunningham joined forces with Al James from the Effective Ministry Podcast to mine Patricia and Kamal Weerakoon’s expertise on this important topic.

You will be inspired, encouraged, challenged and equipped to break the stereotype and become the Christian parent who does start those honest conversations and tell their children the good news about sex.

You can also find our podcast on SpotifyApple Podcasts and other platforms.

How can we help our kids stick with Jesus?

Introducing ‘Timeless Parenting’ Episode 3.

As Christian parents, our deepest desire is for our kids to know, love and follow Jesus along with us. We want them to enjoy being part of our local church family with us. And as they grow towards adulthood, our great hope and prayer is that they would continue on in the faith, making it their own for life.

Did you know that sociologists have studied ‘faith retention’ in children? Researchers have tried to work out what are the factors common to children who go on to share the faith of their parents. Of course, there are no guarantees or ‘silver bullets’. Ultimately, our children’s faith is a gift of God. We need to remember the words of Scripture:

‘For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.’ (Ephesians 2:8–9)

Keeping this in mind, there are certain things which the research suggests are common to children who retain the faith of their parents. Surprisingly, having daily family devotions is not one of them! And neither is having a group of Christian peers. While these things have an important role to play, they don’t make the top of the list.

In the third episode of the Timeless Parenting podcast, you can listen to our conversation with Al James from Youthworks on the topic: ‘How can we help our kids stick with Jesus?’

Listen, be encouraged and share it with your friends.

You can also find our podcast on SpotifyApple Podcasts and other platforms.

Mothers Union Sydney runs an annual seminar about Christian life and parenting. Listen to talks from previous seminars on Soundcloud.

If you want to get in touch with us to offer some feedback or suggest a topic, you can write to us at: timelessparenting@youthworks.net

Timeless Parenting is brought to you by Growing Faith, a ministry of Youthworks Media, and Mothers Union Sydney.

How can we do church well, even when it’s hard?

Introducing ‘Timeless Parenting’ Episode 2.

For Christian parents, getting to church each week is an important part of our faith. It strengthens our relationship with God as we hear his word, it points us back to our Saviour Jesus, it allows us to express our love for God through prayer and song, and it unites us with fellow believers.

But what about our kids? How do the kids in your house respond when you say ‘Come on everyone, it’s time for church!’? If your family is anything like mine, it’s not always with unbridled joy.

Sometimes it feels like our children are involuntary conscripts in our participation in church. Taking them to church with us can be really, really hard work. For example (I may or may not be speaking from personal experience!):
•    when your toddler crawls underneath people’s legs (and skirts!) towards the front while you’re stuck up the back breastfeeding
•    when your baby spits up all over your shirt—and you didn’t think to pack a change of clothes for you
•    when your preschooler gets the chance to speak into the microphone and decides simply to smile and say ‘butt’—on the day when the Bishop is visiting
•    when your older son throws a paper plane—and it lands among the votive candles and catches on fire
•    when your children simply don’t want to go to church.

The Bible is clear that, despite the potential challenges, our kids belong in church as much as we adults do. Children are not just the church of the future—they are part of the church of today. This has always been the case for God’s people. In the Old Testament, children were expressly included in the regular festivals and in the public reading of God’s law. In the early Christian church, believers met in their homes for worship and shared meals, which naturally included their children. When Paul wrote to these churches, he specifically addressed both parents and children (Ephesians 6:1–4). Peter’s first sermon finished with the reassurance that ‘The promise [of forgiveness and the Holy Spirit] is for you and your children and all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call’ (Acts 2:39).

Spiritually speaking, our children are part of the church alongside us. But how can we help them to know and to feel that they belong? How can we persevere in bringing our children to church when it gets hard? And how can we respond when our younger children decide that they don’t want to come?

We spoke about all these things in the second episode of our new podcast, Timeless Parenting. This podcast, a collaboration between Growing Faith and Mothers Union Sydney, is where we have real conversations across the generations exploring God’s wisdom for modern families. In our second conversation, we spoke with Al James, father of four and Youth Ministry Advisor with Youthworks [pictured with us above].

Listen, be encouraged and share it with your friends!

You can also find our podcast on SpotifyApple Podcasts and other platforms.

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