Harriet Connor

Author of Big Picture Parents

Category: In the Media

Interview with ‘Conversations for Life’ Podcast

I had a great chat with the team from ‘Conversations for Life.’ We talked honestly about so-called “bad mother moments” and how imperfect, human parents can find hope in the midst of our mistakes. We also talked about how the fatherhood of God shapes our parenting, and about the value of parenting with a “big picture,” long-term mindset.

Listen to our conversation here.

Interview with Pursuits of God Podcast

I recently had a great chat to Emily from the Pursuits of God podcast about how the Bible’s message can encourage us as modern parents.

Have a listen here.


TV Interview on ‘At The Table’

Watch my interview with the ladies from At The Table here:

You can watch the full episode here:


Interview with Hope 103.2


Interview with Focus on the Family Australia

Click below to listen:


Interview with ‘Some Answers’ Podcast


Interview with Vision Christian Radio

You can listen to me speaking on Vision Christian Radio here:

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